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I am in a life altering situation: can i get any ideas on how to flirt

A wanderer

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Well I really am not in a life altering situation i don't think but i am a uhh what do you call a person who doesn't know how to flirt? A flirtless guy and my gal and i wanna but we are flirtless which rymes with shirtless. But can i get any ideas on how to flirt. i know it's a dumb question.

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I'd like help on this too.


However I've been told that by merely smiling, tapping them or just touching them in general is enough for starters. I don't know how or when is a good time to do it though. I shouldn't be replying to this.

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Have you seen other people flirt? Watch them, take note of how they do it, and try to replicate it. It takes a while to learn!


good luck,


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ok first neo thank you you are very intellegent. or at least conciderate for answering my question truthfully.

also im very unliked by ppl a little. they don't talk to me. staring is not intellegent for me. watching isn't either. but i do poking, tapping, smiling, and if this counts when we hug i grab her ass. with her permission of course.

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I don't really think flirting is so much about staring or even WHAT you say. It's more about the look in your eyes and your tone of voice. Maybe try (not too hard, or in a false manner) softening your gaze, speaking a little more slowly and quietly, and ABSOLUTELY smile.


I also really think it helps to make the person feel like you are really into THEM. Ask them questions about their day, their beliefs, etc.

Don't ever feel the need to agree with their opinions all the time, but taking genuine interest in someone and really paying attention to them is always sexy.

Hope it helps a little.


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flirting counts as anything you do to let the other person know their noticed. play around. when youre walking with her try placeing youre hand at the small of her back. just standing around? stand behind her and wrap youre arms around her while youre at the mall or talking to friends. flirting usualy comes from a need to be close to the person or physical. you want to touch them so you brush agenst them. play with her hair. tickle. give her a hug and brush youre lips agenst her neack. thats a strong one.

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