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he hasn't made a move: is he interested?


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I have asked several people about this ..but i'd like some more opinions:


I met this guy on those internet dating sites about a month back in person and we seemed to hit it off really well. the first few times that we met we had great convo -everything was pretty good but when it was time to go he would walk me half way to my car and dart off. around the 4th time we went out, he started picking me up at my house (even if he lives a distance away and we were going to his area). In total i would say that we've got together about 10 times..We've gone shopping, hung out by a lake, went horseback riding, gone for dinner, movies. Whenever we are out he would also mention restaurants that we should go to (even one 2 hrs away from where we are), museums that we should go to.. etc.

We dont talk on the phone that often, only if we need to make plans for going somewhere. He would text me on my phone from time to time though about little things (that he got a new wallet.. that he heard a funny name ) or we would see each other on MSN.

The big thing is that there no physical contact there. I try to touch him when i can, smile, make suggestions to go places etc.. He's always a gentleman though, opening doors, offering to do things for me.

i am confused since he hasn't made a move (he seems like a very outgoing guy).




advice please...

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i don't think there's anything to worry about. some guys are less comfortable with making a physical move; some guys feel its respectful to hold it off; some guys just aren't touchy-feely; some have a low libido and again, don't feel the need for that physical contact.


He'll prolly come around and if not, you can help him out a little bit, after a while.


my 2c,


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my man is simular, we have been dateing almost 6 months, but he's not the reach out and grab type. Some men just arnt and those men are not clingy, this is a great thing in many ways. You won't have to conform or adjust, just be you and he'll like that lots. If you want physical attention initiate it and he should recieve it just fine. My advice, notice the subtle things he does. Notice the little things that are his way of showing he cares, or showing affection. And be thankful you wont ever be jepordizeing your freedom with him. ^_^


Vixen :bunny:

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