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Is it too soon to use the word "love"?


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My boyfriend and I started using the word "love" about a week into our relationship. I knew him three months before we even started going out. We have been together for a little while but did we use the word "love" to soon? Everything is going perfectly but I'm just wondering, is there a certain amount of time you should wait to say "I love you."?

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WOW!!! HE LOVES ME!!! Okay, seriously, everyone just falls to pieces when the person they like tells them that they love them. It means that they feel pretty strong about them. But love means different things to different people. For some it means "I care about you", or "my feelings are really deep for you", or "I want to knock your boots." Maybe it means something different to him than it does to you. So since you said it, what does love mean to you, and what is it that you love about him so much? If you find it difficult to come up with good answers, then maybe you still need a little more time to find out if you really truly love him.

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me and my bf never said the word love, and it was i after about 3 months, when i told him one night that i loved him. he didn't say it back. but i meant it, and in a way you dont say it to hear it back, but then about a week later, he said to me, that he'd never told a girl that he loved her before, and he has realised that he loves me. :love: and now he says it all the time (we've been together for a 5 months now) :) .


im glad that we didnt use it carelessly, because now i know that when he says it now, he means it. and it's not something that u throw about. only say it if you mean it. it hurt me when he didnt say it back, but i wouldnt want someone to say it if they dont mean it.



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