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Dating two. But, only want one.


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I have been dating two girls at the same time. I like both of them. Except I think I should break it off with one of them. Girl 2 is the one I want to see what happens. Girl 1 is really cool, except I think she might get real upset when I tell her. Any advice? Should I just tell her the truth? That always seems to be the best thing.

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There's really nothing wrong with dating more than one person at a time so long as there is no "exclusiveness" involved with one of the women. To answer your question though, I would tend to lean towards not telling them that you've been dating more than one person. What would be the point in that? It may cause hurt feelings, and there's no real reason to do that especially if you think she's cool. Just tell her you're leaving, not interested or something like that. That part you should be honest with. Good luck.

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I think if you want to have a serious relationship with one of them, then you need to break it off with the other. Just tell her what you feel about her. Tell her she is a great person and all but you don't feel a good connection with her. Better to be freinds than nothing at all...Good luck with whatever you chose to do.

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You don't even have to mention anything about girl 2. Just let girl 1 know that she's a cool person, but you don't think the both of you are good for each other. Sure she'll probably be hurt, and you may not want to hurt her, but it's better to be honest with her then to have her feel like she's the one when she's really not.

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