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completely uncomfortable w/o clothes


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This is for the girls....

I want to be more intimate with my boyfriend as in me being comfortable around him without clotheson, and i completely can't. i dont know why. its not that i dont know him because we know eachother really well, and i trust him, and i love him.



I need some tactics or some good advice for this! please respond to this after you read it...dont just look at it!! thank you ! =)

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hey..this is a toughie but i know how you feel....i'm not the skinnyest person in the world i'm 5'1 and 125 lbs but all the weight is in my stomach....there is only one person i've met in my life so far that i can be completely comfterable with and he's not even my boyfriend yet, i guess its because he isnt sooo skinny either. at first we did everything in the dark and then i just started closing my eyes...and then i just realized he likes me for me and it doesn't matter....it takes TIME...just go with the flow...if you REALLY love/like him...you will be able to feel comfterable soon :cool:

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You could also try focusing all your attention on him instead of on yourself. You can admire his body and think about all the things you plan to do to it and pretty soon you'll be too interested in what you're doing to think about you.

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Everyone is self-concious about their body in some way, because nobody is perfect. Your boyfriend loves you for what you are, including all of your flaws. He'll see you as someone who is beautiful no matter what. Just remember that. It can be hard to bear all, so take it slowly, and everything will be fine soon.

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first let me say thank you for answering to my other post for those of you that did.



Okay, tonight I am "baring all"aka ..getting completely naked... to my boyfriend....seriously its about time i do. i am so pathetic. its not like he pressures me to, its just ...just time..its been wayyy to long of me putting it off and being a chicken.



I just need some quick last minute advice from any of you PLEASE!!!!

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Immortal No More

If you feel you are pathetic because you havnt had sex with him, its not a good idea to have sex with him. You might try getting some more self esteem.

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okay thanks. that wasn't the point of my post, but thanks for the boost man.

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well get naked but only if your over the legal age and are ready to have sex with him. The only way you are going to learn is by jumping in and getting wet. ;)

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i have had sex with him!!! lots of times..which is the sort of weird thing about it. ..we have only really done it in the dark. and i know i'm a wuss and i just need to buck up and bare it where you can actually see things, i just feel SOOO shy about it.

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well do what makes you happy but don't set yourself up to get hurt. If there are things about your body that he needs to know about you should tell him about it first before you show him. This way if he has a problem accepting you as you are, you know he doesn't really love you and you know not to take your clothes off for him.

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well as skydivers and parachuters know, sometimes you just have to jump. Here, I will be the one to push you out, superd gives starlight a push out into the wonderful world of adulthood. ;)


Actually, maybe you are just a wuss and you are scared of sex (or really being seen by the person you love) and thats your problem. Still, I don't know you, only you know what you are capable of.

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