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We hang out she says stuff like.. "Its not like we're going out"


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Ive been seeing this girl for the past monthand i like her alot. We have been on 5 or 6 dates and we hang out alot together through the week (swimming, going on walks, and just watching tv together). The problem is, whenever i try to talk to her about where our relationship is heading she always says something like... "Whatever happens, happens" and im cool with that. But, a couple of times over the past week when we hang out she says stuff like.. "Its not like we're going out" or some comment to that effect. It kinda seems like she's just joking when she says it but I cant help but wonder if shes trying to hint at something. I always have fun when we're together and i think she does too, and whenever we leave each other she kisses me more passionatly than ive been kissed in a while. Do you guys think im just putting too much thought into this or what? Im really in need of some advise. I dont want to aproach her the wrong way and mess up what we have going on. Any help would be appreciated.

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Maybe she just wants to hear you say it. Maybe she just wants to hear you say "yes we are seeing each other. we're not just friends. it's more than just friends. this is something special. "


I don't know. I'm no expert.

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