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I don't want to sound like a jerk: is it wrong to date around while not over my ex?


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I have a question.......I don't want to sound like a jerk at all either.......in my recent breakup I've realized both me and the ex are still young, only 20, have a great connection, and she wants space to be her, sure that might include other dates who knows-but in all honestly, i'm sure I could use some other experience too-i believe we will again be together, but not right now.


Here's the question, I am happ with me, but of course I'm not over my ex, nor will I be totally for a long while, but is it wrong to date around while not completely over an ex-my feeling is that if I am exposed to others it may blossom something new and or help me forget about the old-thanks! I certainly don't want to hurt someone else though

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This is my opinion:


The only wrong here would be if you do not take time to assess what you can learn from the relationship you have just had with your ex-girlfriend.


Take time to reflect upon, and draw emotional, as well as spiritual integrity and strength from the experience.


When the time is right, go into the "dating" world, and spread the sum total of those qualities to the heart of another deserving of your newfound "wisdom".





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Thank you, trust me- I have analyzed everything, I have figured out a few faults-but honestly nothing that should have ended the relationship at all-it's more chalked up to my gf had to grow up sometime, and from personal experience that's not always possible ewith someone right next to you to worry about. Kind of got seriously screwed on this one, but tht's the way it goes-let her do her single thing for a while, I was always the one to help, help study, give rides, hangout, buy her something, now that that is out of her life, she'll miss it eventually.

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Well, why not start dating again - the experiences will be good for you, but I would suggest that you be honest and upfront and tell the girls that you are getting over a breakup and don't want to make any long-term commitments, and just want to get to know some new people and have new experiences. that way, the girls are forewarned and hopefully, won't let themselves fall in love with you -- at least not right away. And there won't be any big break-up because you both know it's just a casual date for fun.

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