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Wearing out the L word?

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If a dating couple tell each other "I love you" every day, or even a few times a day, could that be bad? Is it possible that the meaning of the words will diminish with time?

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I think it's important to tell the one you love that you love them daily. it's reasurance and always good to hear.

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I think humans are always capable of taking another person or their words for granted. People can grow to expect something...like the words "I Love You," and they cease to mean as much to them each time. So often we take others, even the ones we love most dearly for granted, until they are around no more. So many posts on this forum are proof of that. People treat others they love shabbily, they leave, and the dumpee goes bonkers.


It's not bad to say those words once, twice or more each day. But you have to understand that unless you pour cold water over the recipient from time to time, the meaning won't be the same over time for many people. Just human nature.

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