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First date, she talked a lot. I listened A LOT.. problem?


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sorry for the length of this but here goes.....


Hello, my name is rob. I'm 21 years old. I went out on my 1st date last night in about 6-7 years with a girl i met at work. She seems great, we have a lot of things in common. I really think i am going to like her a lot simply because i am the pickiest person i know when it comes to finding a girlfriend hence the 6-7 year lapse without a date or a girlfriend. i do believe i finally found someone i approve of. Now on to the point of this post. We decided to goto the movies last night mainly because she was not feeling well, when actually i was not feeling well myself so it worked out fine. On the way to the theater, we talked non stop. We got there 35 min early so we continued to talk right up until the movie started. We watched the movie and both enjoyed it. It was quite late when it ended and she needed sleep, so we decided to end the night there. Now the thing is, is that she talked the majority of the time. i would say a good 85% was her talking. I do enjoy listening to her, she makes me laugh, however i do not want her to get bored of me always listening. She does ask me questions and let me talk when i want to which is good. Be aware that i have always been more of a listener, especially when talking to girls. Also be aware that she does not overpower conversations with just me, its also eminent when i hear her talking to other co-workers. Should i try to talk more or should i let her talk and see what happens?


any suggestions?



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There are a lot of women who really like a guy who's a good listener. Talk when you have something to say...or when she becomes quiet. Otherwise, let her talk away. It's you who may tire of her talking long before she tires of you being silent.

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Exactly. If you don't feel that you're being ignored or shut out and you are OK with it and she invites you to share too, (unlike, see post: http://www.loveshack.org/forums/showthread.php?postid=98636#post98636 ) then I think it's lovely that you love to just listen to her. It's nice to be adored. xxx

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