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What to expect when the Wifey is getting BOOBS

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Gees you really underestimate men in general I really don't think men EXPECT women to look like porn dolls, but women think they do. A lot of men are very capable of seperating reality from people who are hand picked to star in movies, television, magazine ads etc. to sell sex. If you let yourself be influenced that it is your downfall, take responsibilty for it and stop blaming men for that. And I say "you" as in the "general you"


You're right. Men don't expect women to look like porn dolls, they just wished they did. So they will sit infront of their computers drooling over fake porn doll while his very human wife/gf sits in the next room. And hence all the women who feel inadequate and get breast implants because of their insecurities to live up to something that is more of an over-exploited cartoon character then a sexy woman. :)


Sex does sell. No one I think is arguing that. But the medium of what sex has become is often a freak show. That is just my opinion. :) And if you don't think that men and women don't play off of each other, and aren't influenced by one another , and have issues and problems because of what the other does, you are kidding yourself. I fully accept that women have responsiblity in this. I also fully recongnize how men contribute to it as well.




Quite right, tomcat, in your above post, you have stated that a woman has "non-breasts" when they are "flat, droopy or unattractive". Quite definitely understandable and in English. Nothing to do with size.

But just be aware of the fact that the only woman who is woman-bashing on this post is, evidently, you.


It's a good point.



Man HAS been attracted to ample bossoms since the use of reason.


Class dismissed


Hell, I got small boobs and I got NO issue with a guy who likes big boobs. And big boobs are attractive. That's fabulous! All breast sizes should be celebrated. I do however have 4 words for you : John F. Kennedy Jr. :lmao: Figure it out.

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You're right. Men don't expect women to look like porn dolls, they just wished they did.


Firs of all I think that is a GROSS understimation of men, but I won't argue that as a fact because I am not a man and quite frankly I don't know what men REALLY think or wish for. But ok I'll humour your statement and share what I think:


So what if men wished all women looked like that? We DON'T all look like that. People wish a lot of things!! A lot of women wish that men looked like John Holmes in "certain areas", or had money like Donald Trump and looked like Brad Pitt and the presonality of _________(insert senstiive charming romantic guy name here). A lot of men that look like Ron Jerremy wish they could get women half as good looking as the kind he gets in his movies. People wish they were millionaires and play the lottery all the time hoping and wishing. Point? :lmao: That's fantasy for you. But the world keeps on revolving and life DOES go on and NORMAL people do pair up and accept each other just as they are.


The reality is models are freaks of nature the norm is not John Holmes or whatever female porn starlette you want to name off, real everyday people don't look like that. If we all did they would start doing triple boob implants or double ass implants just to up the ante, because if everyone would look just like Pamela Anderson, THEN what? We all need some new freak of nature to aspire to. That's fantasy for you and human competiveness and need for the "better". It's a never ending cycle of what is "better", it's a cycle that will NEVER go away so why even fight it. Try to be healthy try to look good and try to stay in shape the rest is all unattainable filler crap and I think MOST men have an iota of intelligence to decipher that for themselves, I would give men a little more credit than that. But that's just me.


I guess that's what hating big boobs boils down to = hating men! :lmao:



Sex does sell. No one I think is arguing that. But the medium of what sex has become is often a freak show. That is just my opinion. :) And if you don't think that men and women don't play off of each other, and aren't influenced by one another , and have issues and problems because of what the other does, you are kidding yourself. I fully accept that women have responsiblity in this. I also fully recongnize how men contribute to it as well.



I agree, there is "freak show" or dysmorphia, and there is an implant that serves the purpose of improving a woman's self esteem. An operation done in proportion and within reason is NOT pathological in its intent is all I have been trying to convey and that is MY opinion. Biologically speaking the evolution of the breast is stictly sexual and its purpose is to attract the opposite sex, this is said to be true by science and people who study evolution. It is the most predominant feature that accentuates a woman's femininity, like it or not, it is one of the major body distinctions between MAN and WOMAN amongst other not so noticeable ones...and other JUST as noticeable ones. ;)


I do however have 4 words for you : John F. Kennedy Jr. :lmao: Figure it out.


Whatever that means, I don't have the patience to "figure out" your encrypted message. If it's THAT good I suppose it will eventually come to me.

Edited by Tomcat33
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I don't really get how most of your post was a response to anything I said. I get the impression you are only addressing yourself at this point and not really reading what other people are saying.



I guess that's what hating big boobs boils down to = hating men!


This qoute illustrates my earlier conclusion. It's completely ridiculous tripe you pulled out of thin air. No one is hating on big boobs or on men. I have not seen one post where anyone said it was wrong to like big boobs. You've totally over exploited yourself here. You talk about other people putting women down with big breasts yet you fail to see how this kind of talk ridiculously attempts to shame other's for their opinions.


It is the most predominant feature that accentuates a woman's femininity, like it or not, it is one of the major body distinctions between MAN and WOMAN amongst other not so noticeable ones...and other JUST as noticeable ones


I don't think anyone is denying that boobs are a sexual and feminine feature. But your idea that it is the only pre-dominant feature is a matter of opinion more then it is fact. That's fine that you think that. But there are many other womanly features that men don't have that are equally important and that some men like more then breasts. It's just that the breasts are the "easist" to change if one is unhappy with it. Other features aren't as easy.


Whatever that means, I don't have the patience to "figure out" your encrypted message. If it's THAT good I suppose it will eventually come to me.


Work on it! I'm sure you will get it eventually.

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I don't really get how most of your post was a response to anything I said. I get the impression you are only addressing yourself at this point and not really reading what other people are saying....


... No one is hating on big boobs or on men




No actually I have been addressing what stands out of your comments and where I think they stem from and why you are so hugely affected and intimidated by fake breasts and I was BANG ON. I just read your comments in the "Porn" thread by Niki35 and the bottom line is:


you just hate men.


Nothing more to discuss on breast implants really, the "fake boobs" thing is just a scapegoat isn't it?

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I don't think anyone is denying that boobs are a sexual and feminine feature. But your idea that it is the only pre-dominant feature is a matter of opinion more then it is fact.



Work on it! I'm sure you will get it eventually.



Did I say it was the "only" predominant feature or did I say it is the MOST predominant feature that accentuates a woman's femininity?


I am going to give you a super dumbed down example of what I mean by that:


You have two human beings that look completely androgenous (think Pat from the SNL skit back in the 90's) they both look ambiguous, dress ambiguous, they sound ambiguous and they walk ambiguous, with out going for more intricate details like perhpas the Adam's Apple (they are wearing a scarf), or the extra hair on the hands/arms, feet size and even voice which sometimes is hard to tell anyway, what is the MOST obvious thing people think of to see if someone is a man or woman?


The chest area, ie. does it have boobs?



Now I said I was dumbing it down, so think the most common reaction a person can have. So that doesn't come from nowhere it comes from the MOST obvious distinction between the TWO sexes, not the ONLY distinction it is a quick obvious one.

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She's got a point, tomcat. On this thread (on others, you have a very different tone. Curious...) you are resorting to insulting the intelligence of anyone who dares to disagree with you. Kind of weakens your argument.

And as for boobs being the most obvious marker of a female, there might be other physical characteristics that indicate womanliness. Curvy hips, big round ass, hairlessness, facial bone structure, whatever. You are right that, as with Pat, some folks are hard to place. But it's not just about the boobs.

I can happily say that despite my pert bosom and pixie hair, I don't recall being mistaken me for a dude. Maybe it's the round ass, slim waist, pretty face. Soft eyes and girl clothes. Slender wrists and ankles. Maybe it's the voice. The way I walk. Wow, I am in danger of falling in love with myself :rolleyes:

I have never had to rely on a magnificent set of ta tas to signify to the world that I am, indeed, a chick. I've got other stuff going on, as well as a set of beautiful, adorable, sensitive breasts. I thank god for them on a daily (and I mean, daily, as does my h ;)) basis.

Go ahead, flame me all you like. And by the way, I'd rather be jejune than a strident, smug and therefore, insecure harpie. But jejune means insipid. If I was that, I wouldn't be here, saying this. Don't try to out-vocab me.

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I agree Anneio that there are other equally feminine features that signify sexual health. I think that breasts are the easist to change surgically and hence have become so popular to change. You can't change the hair you have, even if you can change the style, you can't change how big or small your hips are or the sound of your voice. But now breasts are very easy to surgically change.

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Oh boy, you are hopeless hun It's easy to cherry-pick information when you have the internet as your resource. Many of historians would disagree with your viewpoints on the "bosom" and the sexual interaction man have had with it throughout history- modern and non. But that's ok. Just stick to watching sex and the city 24/7 and I will stick to the history channel and other informational sources... I think it's much more entertaining knowing that you make this much of a fool out of yourself in your daily life remaining ignorantly dim.


Btw, you should try reading some of the articles you've posted lacking much relevance or maybe the problem is that you just lack the norm level in comprehension...


And that's all you could find though? You had 12 hours.. haha


Now the problem with people like you is that you search for information that MATCH your uninhibited biased viewpoint instead of looking at BOTH sides of the coin and making an INTELLIGENT opinion or stance on an issue.


Cased dismissed: I have yet to see anything intelligent cross your lips and likely never will when the person debating a "breast implant" issue has slabs of silicone in her chest...


What more could I expect though conversing with a bimbo whose top priority of investment is her chest rather than her mind (but apparently has no common sense to put that into optimal usage anyways).. I'm sorry for even bothering.. I've got more important things to do than argue with a superficial bimbo whose finest skill, other than simply opening up her mouth with empty words, is knowing how to search a word in a search engine, copy and paste links, yet doesn't bother to ever really educate herself on anything whatsoever. Good luck with life.. you'll need a little bit more than your chest to get you through it!

Edited by ladyintights
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Clearly ignorance knows no bounds. Or it could just be those "tights" are cutting off the blood circulation and the oxygen is not traveling to the brain...


First of all, IF you can't read but have been on here for pages and missed the little fact (which I made VERY clear more or less 10 pages ago) that my boobs are "real" I'll type it out again so that maybe you catch it this time" "My tits are real and spectacular" (Seinfeld ref.) :laugh::laugh:

So I have no vested personal interest in this topic OTHER than to show my understanding that other women who don't feel so great in their physiques, may want this for themselves.



I respect people's choice, their vanity, and PERSONAL needs for improvement regardless of whether it would suit MY lifestyle or not.

Why? I am a tall girl with long legs, small waist and curvy hips and proportionate breasts to my curvy and very feminine body and I understand that not every woman was fortunate enough to be born with proportionate physical attributes. So for them if they have an option to have a surgical procedure that can help them feel better about themselves (strictly on a physical level) then why not?


Like I would also support a person who wants to improve their intellectual capacities via some formal educational training if they should wish to do so. Some people's idea of education is to sit and eat Cheetos on a couch in front of a tv watching the History channel and c'mon now!!that's not REALLY wrapping your brain around academics.


So if accepting that people want to look good (no matter what their idea of looking good is because it is a very personal thing) makes me a Bimbo, then bring it on!! I'll walk proudly with the label of "bimbo".

I would much rather be "mistaken for a bimbo", than for a closed minded PMSing castrator who is so consumed with jealousy of other women's sexuality she goes through life with inner turmoil. And let me tell you NOTHING shows more on a girl's pretty face, than unresolved inner turmoil!

There is nothing MORE unattractive than a woman who feels threatened by other women's bodies.


I have inner peace, do you? :cool:

Edited by Tomcat33
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I feel that women's breasts are like blow jobs - I personally can't recall a bad experience with either one. And even though no one appointed me spokesman, I'm going to go out on a limb and state that most men probably feel the same way.


Is it possible that all this back and forth bickering is simply each person's insecurities projected onto someone else? Because real or fake, big or small, pert or droopy - most guys appreciate 'em all. We're pretty easy that way...


Mr. Lucky

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I feel that women's breasts are like blow jobs - I personally can't recall a bad experience with either one. And even though no one appointed me spokesman, I'm going to go out on a limb and state that most men probably feel the same way.


Is it possible that all this back and forth bickering is simply each person's insecurities projected onto someone else? Because real or fake, big or small, pert or droopy - most guys appreciate 'em all. We're pretty easy that way...


Mr. Lucky



That's what I said early on in response to someone blaming men and porn for female insecurity about their breasts, I too think men (when it comes down to it) really don't care: real, fake big or small as long as there is something there for him he is good to go. :bunny::bunny:


this is what I said on page 3:


I don't think that's true. I think a man can accept a woman for how she looks so long as the woman he chooses to admire also accepts herself in full splendor, there is something very sexy about a woman's selfconfidence and it can be totally infectious even if she is far from the typical ideal of "gorgeous". But I do know know that some men have a fetish of sorts, some guys are a$$ men, some are boob men, some are leg men, others blond/brunette men... to those who have very specific tastes you prob won't appeal unless you meet their fetish criteria. But in general most guys are more accepting of us than we are of ourselves.

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The posts in this thread have become pitifully off topic and therefore the time has come to shut it down. Many thanks for all those who participated in a constructive, meaningful way.

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