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can i forget it???

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I know this is long but PLEASE read


Hi people, following from my last thread i have told my friend i think she is back on it and that i dont want to be involved, ive also told her she is not welcome in my house until it stops as i have a new born baby... I have one more question....


When i was very young my friend at school overdosed and died through eating drugs she found around the house (they were apparently her dads) i havent got a clue what the drugs were but they were strong enough for her to die!!! She was 7 years old. Since then i have hated drugs, i have never done them and never wanted to, i know this sounds harsh but i will have nothing to do with people that do them!!


The problem is, i have been with my fiance for 2 years, we have a baby boy and plan to get married next year, i love him to bits but the other night he said he had smoked weed before and when he went through a bad patch when he's grandfather died last year he done cocaine and speed. He has promised me he will never do it again. BUT everytime i think of it i shudder and it makes me feel physically sick and i cant let him touch me, i try my hardest not to think of it but if it comes up on a film etc and you see people snorting coke i imagine him doing it, its worse as we were together when he done it and i didnt have a clue.. What if he does it again? I wouldnt no as i didnt notice anything different before..


Im sorry if i have affended anyone on here that do cocaine and speed but since my lose of a friend that was soooo young i cant handle the thought of drugs... Is it normal to feel like this with my fiance or am i over reacting? Im stuck and dont no what to do.....

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