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I Fell For My Sister's Best Friend (with a BF)..


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Hello everyone! Been reading some discussions on this forum. And I found some very interesting. But can't seem to find what fits my situation. This is kinda a long story, but I made it a bit short. So please bear with me. :)


As the title say, yes, I fell for my sister's BFF who has a BF.


My sister introduced her to me earlier this year (January or Feb?). At first, she was ok. Cute. But wasn't really blown away by her. We just said the usual "Hi! Pleased to meet you" thing. And when my sister and I were alone, she told me her friend has a boyfriend. And I'm like, ok. she's off limits then. So I let time run it's course. Doing my thing. And we saw each other again at my sister's friend's graduation party. There we finally talked. We had fun and talked a lot that night. And when the party was over, we said our goodbyes. Me, being a shy guy, shook everyone's hands (also hers). But after she shook mine, she gave me a hug. Then she told me I smelled sweet. I was surprised, and just said thanks.


Again a few months passed. Summer came and we met up again to go to an amusement park with friends. We all had fun. Before heading out to dinner, we rode our last ride. I was in front of the line while she was standing behind 2 ppl. Then when it was our turn to ride. I found myself sitting next to her. I was surprised how she got next to me when she was behind 2 ppl. Well, I just let that thought go. Dinner came, and we were eating and taking pictures. She sat beside me to pose for the camera. And kinda leaned on my shoulder. She was planning on throwing a surprised bday party for my sister that week. And she and I talked about it. The time we said goodbye, I hugged her. And she whispered in my ear, "See you wednesday" While we both had our hands on each others waist. We both smiled.


Days passed, and we were getting real close. We chat online, exchange emails, call a few times, see each other. But we never really went out like one-on-one. I did ask her quite a few times if she wanted to hangout, just me and her. She liked the idea, but would rather see me with our friends around. Cause she said her BF doesn't want her hanging out with her guy friends alone. I do understand her BF. And I respected her decision. So anyway, whenever we get together with friends, we take pictures. And we have pictures like her arm crossed with my arm. Her sitting on the floor while she had her arm over my leg while I was sitting on the couch. And there's this one time, when I got too close. Like my cheek next to hers. And she freaked out. But later on said, it doesn't look bad. And she'd be happy to have a copy of it. I was falling for her. She's just someone you can't let go of. She is my ideal girl. And I know I shouldn't be feeling this cause of the boyfriend and all.


Then last month, she suddenly went awkward towards me. Like she can't look at me straight anymore. And doesn't say much to me. And I knew she might have figured out that I liked her. I might have given her the impression of that. But weeks passed, and we're back to our old selves again. It's weird. Like nothing happened. I also haven't really asked her why she was acting that way before. Cause I didn't want to make things awkward again. So, we're talking again, and it's going great. She even said she dreams about me. I also told her I dream about her too. Now I am thinking of telling her how I feel. I know, it's too risky. But I have a feeling, I have to let her know how I feel. Some of my friends say, that I should go ahead and do it. I don't know. The boyfriend is still in the way. She and her BF have been together for 4 yrs. Her BF is living in Mexico. And lately, he visits her like every 3 weeks during the weekends. They talk on the phone often. He's 6 yrs older than her. I think they have a really good chemistry together. Me and all our friends haven't met this guy in person. And whenever we hang out, she's not available whenever he's in town. It's like he or she doesn't want us to meet and hang out. They spend time together when he's here. I do understand cause they've been apart. So it's natural HE wants time alone. right? She also said that she is going back to her country when she finishes her studies here. So does this mean, she will leave him when the time comes? Bah! I really don't want to jump to conclusions. But she also said, IF she gets married, she's moving to Mexico. So I don't know.


Should I tell her that I like her? Would that be a good move on my part? Or will I just crash and burn? Some ppl also tell me to just move on. Cause there are many fishes in the sea. Well, this is a special fish. Why can't I have this fish? I'm torn. I hope you guys can help me out. Thanks!

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