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Provoking a reaction??

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Hello. I am asking this on behalf of a very good friend of mine who doesn't want to post here, ( don't know why she doesn't want to I think it's great).


She is very much hooked on this guy she met recently, they are both in college like me. Anyway I don't know if is the age thing or whatever, but she is wondering if he is saying certain things to get a specific reaction out of her. Frankly, if this is the case, I think it's very immature and silly, but she really likes the guy, goofy boy and whatnot. (and my opinion doesn't count)

Anyway, here is a recent example. I believe they were planning to meet this coming vacation, but he keeps saying things like he doesn't think he will be going home the whole time, he has stuff to finish up etc. Both of them are from a different country, and live near one another and my friend is definitely going home. She expressed her disappointment, but this boy starts going, "should I just screw everything and go home? oh but I don't think I can. Oh I don't think I can even go home the following break either...I think I am just gonna stay here and do BORING work..sigh... there's a possibility I could go home, but maybe not..sigh. But then again I might.." ( I tried to put it as best as I could the way she told me)

My friend obviously knows him a lot more than I do, but she's unsure if he has true plans to go home, but is just trying to get a reaction out of her to show she likes him, along the lines of, "come home please? I wanna see u!"...( I would have told the dude to stop f**ing around and get lost but that's just me) or if he's just not that interested in her so meeting up with her is just not up there on his list. Is this some kind of silly college guy mind game?

Anyway, I know us women do things to "egg" guys on and stir reactions from them, but do guys do this too?

Regardless of his questionable maturity level if that is the case, my friend thinks he's adorable! From what I gather they are inseparably in touch long distance at the moment.


Well in the end her decision is her decision and not my business but I didn't think it would hurt to ask.



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