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? for men...losing desire for wife/gf during pregnancy

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Why would this happen and has any male here still love and be attracted to their wife/ girlfriend, but lose desire for their partner during pregnancy? And I don't mean losing desire entirely (watches porn to take care of his needs), but won't initiate sex or even show he still finds his partner attractive.


Need advice as this is a pretty devastating reaction (or lack thereof) from a man when a womans body is changing so rapidly--something she can't help!

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Some men can lose the intimacy because they're afraid of her fragility (i.e., they may hurt her or the baby). Others may not find the pregnant body attractive... that's just a reality. Apart from that, it may be a more persistent state that just coincidentally coincides with the woman's pregnancy.

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Any man that watches porno to take care of his needs while his wife is pregnant is way off base.


But I`m sure there will be a half dozen here who think he is a great humanitarian for doing so.... just so his wife doesn`t have to stress over their sex life:eek:

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Just because she's pregnant doesn't mean she loses her sex drive, though. Hormones are raging!


Why can't a guy understand that this is a time that a woman needs to be reassured the most?


Does a pregnant body really turn a guy off?

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It could also be he's freaked out because she's got a baby in her body - suddenly, she's the Mother Earth, nurturer of Life, Madonna... - and he can't think of her in a sexual way. He suddenly starts to see his wife as a Mother, and loses his sexual desire for her.


Don't let this kind of man in the delivery room! He'll never look at your hoo-hoo the same once he's seen the baby come out of it.

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Citizen Erased

Have you seen Knocked up? I think his reaction when she tries to initiate sex when she is heavily pregnant pretty much sums it up.


Altho some men get off on watching pregnant porn :sick: So I guess not all of them are turned off. The rest are just twisted :p

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tpregger twice, even if the preg were 16 years ago, I distinctly remember that yes, my H was alittle freaked out about hurting the baby..In the end, we ended up doing it alot to induce labor..It wan't the most erotic experience I've ever had, but none the less, it served both purposes! Women can be very amorous during preg. due to fluctuating hormones..Ive had friends who say sex was the best during their preg...just fyi...get your Doc to talk to him about it..That can be really reassuring if he's worried about the babe and you..good luck...its an emotional time too..ood:bunny::bunny:

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Truthfully, and I think you want honesty so don't shoot me....


At first, pregnant is sexy, but after six months, I longed for the "normal" slim in pregnant wife. No, sex with a pregnant wife was rarely desired. So, I am guessing that may be part of it.


Also, when I thought about a baby being right at the end of my....well, that can kinda kill the desire. Good grief, what is he thinking when he sees that thing approaching?!? :eek:


It definitely does not mean he does not love you, but just as this is new for you, this is new for him. He has new emotions and feelings to deal with.

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At first, pregnant is sexy, but after six months, I longed for the "normal" slim in pregnant wife. No, sex with a pregnant wife was rarely desired. So, I am guessing that may be part of it.



So you are saying that you found your wife sexy UP UNTIL she was six monthes? Or did you grow tired of it once she started to show?

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It was my wife who rejected me (she still does) throughout her recent pregnancy with our third child, so it goes both ways. If anything I loved her body even more - bigger breasts and pregnant women have always been sexy to me. I read posts like yours and stories from other pregnant women who would not let their husbands or SOs leave the bedroom and how the sex was fantastic, but my wife kept giving me the old "I'm tired/headache" routine. But then there were times I would wake up in the middle of the night and here she is masturbating right next to me. That hurt.

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