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FWB means Friends With Benefits. An FWB relationship is one where the male and female are friends, have sex but don't necessarily have all the accompanying romantic and other components that go with a full blown committed relationship.


These come in all forms but usually consist of friends who are between relationships but looking for their sexual needs to be satisfied with no particular strings attached.


In case you haven't guessed...the benefit is sex...unless the female is a great cook and does windows.

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From my experience FWB's only emerge when you have known the woman for some time and she trusts you, but she also does not feel the need right now to invest in a full blown relationship.

If she wants a relationship, then FWB will onyl hurt her, and generally they know that in advance and don't go there.



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I personally have been in situations which I thought were relationships only to find out that we were "just friends with benefits". I was devestated. I dont think that there are people out there (and by people I mean mainly females) who can actually handle being FWB without becoming emotionally attached. I mean, how many women like to share their men. I know I dont, in fact I really hate it knowing that the guy I have been having a so called "relationship" with is doing the same thing with someone else.


So DONT DO IT. not good for you or for her. If you only want sexual gratification, masturbation is the way to go. Or if you actually want a bit of action, without that yucky "emotional stuff" why not go pay for it !!!!! (not that I would actually condone that....)

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i agree with what you said sweetgirl. I tend to prefer serious relationships and sexual satisfaction with those partners.


However while being single for quite a while now after a long term relationship i feel that i may enjoy a bit of fun on the side, so to speak.


Sure, my first option is seeing someone i am attarcted to physically and mentally as a long term partner, however if that isn't something they are up for, then as long as i don't feel attached to the person then why can't sexual fun be an option too?


I don't like the idea of paying for sex, who knows what you may come across. Atleast if its with someone you find attractive and they also are attracted to you, then it makes the experience more passionate and fun.


As for mastabation, sure that does help... But its not the same as being satisfied by someone else. Sometimes it can be a sexual learning curve too.



I guess i have become a bit open minded lately, but i usually prefer solid relationships.

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FWB is such a good theory. Problem is that certain hormones that are set in action by sex are designed to create bonding. So you might start off thinking this'll just be a fun roll in the hay and end up finding yourself more attached than you intended.


I imagine different people are more or less susceptible to those hormones but IMHO it's not the sort of thing you want to find out the hard way.

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if the two people know how to respect each other, FWB can work, no problem. you may get attached, but so what - it's a friend of yours!


as long as it's made clear that if one of the parties wants out b/c they found a serious interest, the other one has no right to say anything, it's all good!



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