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Price tag on SEX

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I hope I'm not rehasing something that's already been discussed, but did anyone happen to read 7/11 NY times article: Sex not tied to income in which reasearchers measured intimacy, money and happiness?


I thought their economic analysis quite interesting.


Comparing the reported "levels of happiness" produced by a vigorous sex life with other activities calculated in previous reseach (16,000 American adults), they estimated that increasing the frequency of sex from once/month to once per week provided as much happiness as putting $50,000 in the bank.


Frankly, IMHO, this seems to be a gross overestimate, even if I was engaged in an orgy of activity once per week with one or more Sports Illustrated Swimsuit models. :rolleyes:


They also found a lasting marriage offers about $100,000 worth of happiness.


I assumed that by "lasting" they meant before one or the other spouse collects life insurance, but the $100,000 figure makes me suspect otherwise! ;)


Of course, divorce imposes an emotional toll worth $66,000, although there may be a short term economic gain from the blissful immediate relief provided by leaving your spouse.


No kidding.


Of course the study didn't seem to deal with the basic question of whether or not it MATTERED IF IT IS GOOD SEX OR BAD SEX. :mad::p:(


So how much would you pay for the good, they bad, or the ugly?

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