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from BeachGurl's post: how do you feel when your lover is still making love to spouse

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BeachBurl is right - i've never seen this question asked either.


if you are involved in a marginal relationship, how do you feel about your lover going home to his/her spouse and making love to the primary partner?


if you are jealous, how do reconcil/justify that?

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I have not been in the situation where I was with a married women, but I now am the victim of another man dating my wife. I can honestly say that I would never persue a married women, NEVER! Those who do need to take a step back and learn to respect themselves. Have a little respect for other people!

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I agree with corp. You shouldn't pursue married people -- why would you ever want to ruin someone's family?

People should realize that a lot of children end up living with just one parent as a result of such affairs. That's why the divorce rate is so high in the US...


But if you started a relationship with someone who is married, you should be prepared to accept certain things. Your lover still has a family and he probably loves them very much. If you are jealous, you should find another man that does not have a family.[color=indigo][/color]

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