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How do I get the Passion Back?

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Any tips on getting my husband to kiss me more? I have tolde him, he knows. He tries, but it lasts for only about 10 seconds, then he moves onto my ear. Ugh, I want romance back into our marriage. The sex is there, but where is the passion? How do I get that back? Help!

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Personally I think when it comes to sex men are generally lazy. They just wanna do it and get it over with. My hubby's good about the kissing...so long as I remind him about it occasionally. I hate having to mention it at all...but he insists I do cuz as he puts it, "I just don't realize when I'm doing something...or not." It's like he actually has to be reminded that certain things are expected of him. That seems to carry over in all areas of his life tho, so I try not to take it too personal. Maybe your husband's the same?

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