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Ready to be Engadged??

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My first post, please help...and I spelled Engaged wrong sorry about that..haha


I've only been with my man for a little over two months, and I know, its not much time at all. The relationship though has just moved so fast, and feels so REAL compared to everything else I've ever had. He proposed to me 3 days ago and I said yes. The thing is, its a secret endagement, we're not telling anyone close to us because we don't want to hear what they have to say about only being together for a short amount of time. I'm 21, and he is 23 in a few months.


I might also state that I worry about EVERYTHING...


So, this guy is wonderful, hes a sweetheart and he spoils me. He is everything I could have asked for a more..and I'm never insecure about how he feels for me for a split second. When it comes to things like family, and morals, and raising children and family we are 100% on the same page (except for the fact that I love dogs and he hates them..but that can be worked out) and I am in love with the man even though its been barely any time at all. Yet, at the same time there are things about him that drive me insane. I've never been in a situation where I'm so happy with someone one second and so bugged by some things he does another.


I guess to quote another post I just read before signing up for this, I don't know if we are the best match in the world, but we're a very good one.


Thank you all so much for your advice in advance

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When two people first meet, they always act their best and sweetest when they are in the courting stage. Two months is not enough time to know someone enough to marry them. I would wait if I were you.

As for the things that bother you about him, they won't go away after you get married,you can't change him. And those are the very things you will dwell on when you are going through a rough time in your marriage. We all have things we do that are very irritating though, it is just a matter of accepting them as a package deal, the good with the bad.

I hope I'm not being a downer but marriage is not something to lightly go into. It's to the death, most of the time that is a super long time, so you should be sure of your life partner.

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I don't intend to be discouraging but I would agree with Guest that two months is too short a time to consider marriage. Perhaps now that you are engaged, you could possibly postpone the marriage part for some time until you feel completely ready.

True Love must be in the open with no secrets. If you have kept secrets before you probably know their pressure. It won't be long before they start bearing down on you, not to mention how you may alienate your current family for having making it secret in first place.:confused:

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Youre probably not getting the advice you wanted to hear. And mine will be no different, sorry. :p


In 2 months, each person is usually still being fake, and trying to show all their good sides.


I'm concerned about this guy....very concerned. It is VERY abnormal for a guy to propose this soon, unless he has some deep issues that you probably wont know about until much later.


I was with a guy at 21 for a number of months who I thought was great too, we got pregnant and got married. That lasted for 9 months. There's more to that story, but the bottom line is this: You know nothing 'deep' about this guy after 2 months. I really hope that you think long and hard about this. If you want to stay engaged, thats fine, but I hope he doesnt convince you to run off and get married any time soon. You can be engaged for a longer time, and THEN get married some time later....there's really no reason to rush anything, ya know?

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Anyone can completely hide their personality for approximately 3-6 months, depending on the amount of time you spend together.


I got married when I was 21, too! I'm also divorced. If you insist on getting engaged, then at least demand a long engagement.

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