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Hi there. I'm new here, so bear with me.

My husband & I have a good marriage. He has my permission to sleep with another woman, as long as he clears it with me first.

He and my best friend have slept together a few times. I'm totally ok with this because my libido is shot & most of the time, I'm just not interested.

And then Saturday night rolled around & I went to bed early, excited for a full night's sleep. (i work full time & we've got young children, so this is rare.)

Around 3am, they both came in pawing at me & I was seriously annoyed. He kept trying to get me to kiss my friend, but I'm just not into women. I can't help it. And I especially don't want to kiss my best friend who's like a sister.

So a few days have passed, and I realize I'm angry. They both know how I don't want to be included unless it's just me watching. But don't deprive me of much needed sleep & try to make me do something I don't want to do.

Now how can I nicely tell my hubby & bff that I'm pissed & never try that **** again?

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Just straight up tell them. Considering how open you all are about sex, words shouldn't be that tough.

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Now how can I nicely tell my hubby & bff that I'm pissed & never try that **** again?


Just tell them what you said above. Sounds pretty clear to me. Good luck.

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