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What to you and your partner allow in the Bedroom?

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I just read an interesting article on what some folks allow in the bedroom and curious what others feel and how it works out for them....


Some feel the bedroom is only for sleep and lovemaking... and it has some interesting thoughts.


For example, do you allow in the bedroom:


TV (or if you do, are there limits)



Lights on at sleeping time

Desk or office

Exercise equipment




My only "pet peeve" is pets. I do NOT like pets in the bedroom. Other that that, I could do whatever, but TV and lights out for sleeping.

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My wife and I agree that there'll be no TV in our bedroom. Personally, I'm hell on pets on the bed, so no pets in the bedroom unless there's somebody in there with them (that's mainly for the cat; the dogs know better). We have a night light in the bathroom so we can stumble our way in there without turning on any lights.


The other stuff, especially music, is fine.


Interesting question.

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Sleeping and Sex. I've never had a TV in the bedroom, and don't want one. Not necessarily because I think it will interfere with intimacy, but because there is no way in hell I can sleep with one on! I can't even fall asleep on the couch if the TV is on.



My SO would like a TV in the bedroom. I tell her there's one in the spare room, go sleep in there if you want to watch TV. :)







I'd prefer no pets either. Back when I had a dog, she seldom slept on the bed.

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.....do you allow in the bedroom:


TV (or if you do, are there limits)

No. Never. Unconditionally.


Only by invitation, and only on Sunday mornings. When I had a dog. No pets currently, but the conditions would not change.


Definitely. The 'right' music, that is.... More Enya than Black Sabbath....


Lights on at sleeping time
If we happen to be reading, no problem. If only one wants to read, we both have excellent eyemasks....


Desk or office
No. It's a bedroom, not a business.

Exercise equipment
Done right, who needs it? Or is that a euphemism for Kingsize double?


No, just us two....

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Interesting on how many do not like a TV in the bedroom.... I'm with you on that, don't want one, and for that matter, don't want one in the house, period.

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We are a doors open family, so pretty much everything goes in our room. I'm not against closed doors btw, we just leave everything open. Except bathrooms when we poop haha

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I didn't ever appreciate having a TV in the bedroom until we replaced the windows in there and didn't consider that the window-mounted air conditioner would have to go.


Some nights the extra bedroom noise saves lives in this house.


Pets are welcome until they think they can take over.


Kids were always allowed. They still are and they still come in to snuggle once in a while.


It's pretty much a free-for-all around here.


Oh, no weather channel during sex unless the TV is muted.

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I would think the the replies would vary based on the living conditions of the couple. My wife and I own a 4 bedroom house so none of that stuff needs to be in our bedroom, at least as far as we're concerned. We have a home office room, an exercise room, etc. But should someone live in a one bedroom apartment, some considerations for lack of space need to be made.

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I like having a tv in the bedroom, not for night time, but you get the occasional sick day, or lazy day where you just want to lay down and watch something. I don't see what the big deal is.



But yeah, lights and tv and music have to be off for sleeping.



I have a small master bedroom though, so not much of that other stuff would fit.

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No pets allowed! LOL... those hairs get everywhere! O.o

We have a pet gate in the hallway so the dogs cannot get to the bedroom. On the weekends we have the kids (every other weekend), our door stays shut for privacy and noise control. ;)

On the days we do not have the kids, the door stays open.


No TV as well, too distracting. We both have the same work schedule, so we tend to go to bed at the same time. Some nights we read before bed and agree to lights out at a certain point.

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The only activities we permit are sleeping, sex, music, and reading, and only the items that support those. So no pets, TVs, exercise equipment, etc.. And unless we're both reading, reading must be done with the lights off! (So only our Kindles are feasible under that rule.)

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TV (or if you do, are there limits)



Lights on at sleeping time

Desk or office

Exercise equipment



No TV in our bedroom


Pet doesn't like all the noise and movement so don't have to worry about that one!:laugh:


Music definitely music!


Lights are either dim, candlelight, and dark too. Neither of us like too bright a light.


There is no desk or office or exercise equipment in our bedroom.


I guess our bedroom is for sleeping and lovemaking. Interesting.

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I've always allowed TV in the bedroom. As long as it's not too loud, I can sleep right through it.


Never had any pets.


Music is definitely fine. Some of the best sex I've had was when Nirvana was playing on Pandora.


Exercise equipment? Hell no, that's what the bed is for.


I have a desk in my bedroom, but it's not for actual work. It's just something I can put $h!t on or in.

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None of the above except pets, and music when getting it on (and then no pets!!)


Absolutely no to TVs etc.


We have 2 dogs and 2 cats, the one small (15 lbs) dog is allowed to sleep at the foot of the bed (he is older, quiet, and never disturbs us).


Our bedroom is more of a "suite" with an attached sunroom, bathroom, and "powder" area. The cats are allowed in the bedroom, but do not sleep in the bed, but rather hang out in the sunroom area.

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What to you and your partner allow in the Bedroom?


Just by the title, I had a VERY different idea of what this thread was going to be about :eek::eek::eek: ...


Mr. Lucky

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We had a TV and probably will again soon. Love to lay in bed and watch movies sometimes. But it wasn't hooked up to the cable so it was strictly for movies. We allow our pets in bed too, two dogs and a cat. And one of the dogs is a 50 lb shepherd who sleeps between us. Plus our son sometimes. We got a king for this reason :-) I love having everyone in bed. We get plenty of alone time so I don't feel like it takes anything away from us.


We don't usually listen to music in bed, and the lights are always off and curtains drawn when we go to sleep. He likes to sleep late and doesn't wanna be woken up by the sun.

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I would think the the replies would vary based on the living conditions of the couple. My wife and I own a 4 bedroom house so none of that stuff needs to be in our bedroom, at least as far as we're concerned. We have a home office room, an exercise room, etc. But should someone live in a one bedroom apartment, some considerations for lack of space need to be made.




I live in a small house with my hubby and kids. Sometimes a second TV is required and our bedroom was the only practical place to have one. When hubby has worked from home, he has been known to set up in the bedroom because being in the living room is too noisy for him to work. Practicality is everything.


Other things allowed in the bedroom included our non-shedding dog who slept on the floor next to the bed and children. I've also been known to sew in the bedroom - again because it was the only spare space I could find.

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Anything goes but we both agree on no backdoor action. Is that what your* looking for?


No, I don't think it is.....






>awaits slam-dunk<

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TV (or if you do, are there limits)



Lights on at sleeping time

Desk or office

Exercise equipment



After raising 4, we're one child away from being empty nesters - and he goes to college next year. My wife will tell anyone who listens she's terrified of being there alone with me :D .


I can do without any of the above except music. House rule, there is no foreplay without Al Green...


Mr. Lucky

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Outstanding choice.


I can go Sinatra or Norah Jones in a pinch but when the lights go down, Al is the man. In fact, we don't even need to lock the door. My daughter once told me "Dad, every time you play that awful music, I know what's going on..."


Mr. Lucky

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