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You all sitting back and forth nice slow controlled motion go torso twist coming up next and why ask a switch that torso twists standing straight up two rotating your shoulders back and forth try to keep those hips pretty much stationary Ste pointing straight forward just a rotating the shoulders from left to right as much as you gmax can without letting us have to twist got march in place coming up next anger and switch their march in place tithe sky go-slow honey but don't worry about bringing those needs a quite so high if you want to make it will be hardergonna bring and yet really nice and hard to help either higher otherwise just barely off the ground just come marching in place switcher a cool down next so this is me just a regular stretch regular toe touch Sophie to Guinness about shoulder-width apart little wider if you want and stretches straight down going to lecture shoulder stretch in here you can pull those hearings back behind your back to Kelly’s doing otherwise just reaching down towards those toes keep those longer open slaughter hurry drop back down switch over to an inside thigh stretch took a squat on one leg your legs and kicked out nice and straight lean towards that straight leg a little bit to try to really push it lay down and stretch out the inside that growing switcher your side same exact thing.

Aviso: Não compre Gmax - Chocante - LEIA ANTES DE !!!

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