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Making the first move without the fear of rejection - any advice?

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My husband and I have been married 3 months and have lived together for over a year. Our sex life has changed, obviously, since we first started dating. My husband and I have agreed to commit to putting our sex life back on track, but I have questions on how to do it without feeling rejected. I am always the one that wants sex and my husband is always tired. We now have sex about once a week, but I would like it more. He has said that his new job is "sucking the life" out ofhim, which I believe. How can I make the first move without nagging and without being afraid to get rejected?

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I understand that fear of rejection. There is a book called The Great American Sex Diet which is pretty good. Get it and read it. Let him read it. Talk to each other. I used to think that sex had to be spur-of-the-moment to be any good and though that planned sex was somehow of less value. I was WRONG!


Busy lives tend to push sex to the back burner and you HAVE to make a schedule and plan for it. Talk to your husband. Tell him that you want to make sure your marriage is healthy and that you are both happy and that you do not want to be a complainer or nag! Tell him this is important to you and that you are not making demands, but that you would like him to talk with you about this and to consider making some changes for the both of you and that you want to work with his schedule too---this is for him too, not just for you.




"Forget about shedding unwanted pounds--this tantalizing diet is all about shedding inhibitions (and a few key clothing items), not fat. Intimacy enthusiast Laura Corn, bestselling author of 101 Nights of Grrreat Sex, cooks up a 28-day plan for committed couples who hunger for the fiery "honeymoon phase" of their relationship. To them, she pleads that sex should become a staple--not an extra--right along with "a good balance of water, protein, and carbohydrates." The trick is to make this precious staple a spicy one, by following Corn's stock recipe: "Anticipation + Variety = Great SEX!" Her beautifully compiled ode to rekindling passion helps readers unleash their inner chef. "[/color]

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