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Changing Ideals

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My girlfriend and I have been talking a lot about sex lately. We had both agreed a while ago that we wanted to wait till marraige to lose out virginity. We really were not sure where out relationship was going to go. Well, now we are deffinitly very serious. We are both feeling that it will be almost impossible to make it till the day that we can marry each other. The truth is that if we were not in school we would probably be engaged by now. Marraige is at least 3 years out and we are already having trouble. I probably should include that this is a lond distance relationship. I dont know if that has any relevence. Anyway, if we care that much for each other, do you think there is a problem giving in to temptation. We both view sex as a very spiritual and emotional thing. Do you think it is ok if we feel we have reached that level in our relationship? I appreciate any input.

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It's a personal choice, our opinions are irrelevant.


Many people are capable of emotional and intimate sexual relationships who aren't adorned with ceremonial jewelry. Many people have sexual and intimacy issues who are. Marriage nowadays isn't even permanant, but it's not something you should rush into just so that you can have sex. In fact, if your relationship is LD, and it has a bit of problems, you shouldn't get married right away anyways. If you both feel you're ready, there should be no social standard that prevents you from pursuing it--it's a personal reconciliation.

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