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Long Distance Relationship .

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Hi everyone IÂ’m new here and came across this website as I was looking for advice.


I am currently in a long distance relationship, we have been together for a year none of which was long distance but we have just entrusted into a period of distance. Due to the nature of my partners job we have to go period of 14+ days without any kind of contact (heÂ’s crewing a ship with no signal)


HeÂ’s been away for 49 days and IÂ’ve still got 32 to go until I see him again. IÂ’ve really really struggled, IÂ’ve been having trouble sleeping, IÂ’ve been paranoid about the people heÂ’s on the boat with etc. A lot has happened in the time that he has been away.


IÂ’m not a very patient person and I always try to fix things when they are broken, itÂ’s been hard for me to accept that his phone isnÂ’t broken he just doesnÂ’t have any signal, itÂ’s made me feel like IÂ’ve given up messaging him and trying. I feel disheartened about the future if this is a career he does for a long time.


IÂ’m really worried about the future, I also think since heÂ’s been away IÂ’ve been putting pressure on how I want the relationship to be when he gets back, IÂ’m worried that when he gets back IÂ’ll have to share him with other people and not get to see him as much as I would like.


My mum is unwell at the moment and IÂ’m struggling not having him about. IÂ’ve had personal health issues since heÂ’s been away but IÂ’ve not been able to turn to him for reassurance.


I need some advice as to what I can do in this situation, do I tell him how I feel? Do I leave him?

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You need to pull yourself together. I know how they operate on working rigs in the ocean and they communicate by radio. Also, there isn't much downtime, relaxation time. Those guys work and sleep, work and sleep. There's no time to chat back and forth on the cellphone even if they had service. Some cruise lines pay a bunch to have some sort of cell service, but it's not something the individual person can do.


"The main reason there is no cell coverage on the seas it due to how the system is designed. ... A tower lies in the middle of a cell with multiple antennas and all the equipment needed to transmit calls or data. Cell towers are only designed to cover a small area, and they are all placed on land."


You shouldn't be so codependent that you can't make it for extended periods of time while your man is off working. After all, he'll be home for an extended period of time not working once his days are over. Stop bothering him about his phone. His phone is fine. There IS no cell service where he is at. Look, I sometimes drive to Oklahoma and there is no cell service during part of that drive and it's right in the middle of the U.S. I have been on lakes in Texas where there is no cell service out on the boat. He's not lying, so you need to stop disbelieving him. He's working and there's likely no women within miles and miles. Chill out! Have your own life. You can't depend on someone to always be with you. If you don't have a life, get some hobbies and go out with friends.

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Patience is very crucial in an LDR, especially if you really love that person, and it will be hard and rough because you both exist in different worlds now.

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well on the one hand I admire your devotion to the chap!!



Part of me sometimes wishes I could find a lady who loves me unconditionally!



I would have to agree though, an amount of independence is important and having your own identity and life, being able to function yourself without feeling the need to be overly dependent on another person,



time apart can be good too, absence makes the heart grow fonder.

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