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Being with somebody who is hard work

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I find me and my partner are together just because it’s easy to be, everything I ask him to do turns into world war three, if I ask him to do something I am told I am nagging and if I don’t ask he does nothing, we have huge arguments I am losing my mind and don’t want to burden family and friends with our arguments but it is causing me distress. Work is tough and when I try and talk about it he isn’t interested offers no support and I feel so alone. He makes me feel like I am crazy and everything is my fault when all I want is some support and to get things done, he can’t even manage basic like making the bed, he is bad with money and is just lazy I’m general, what can I do?

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Michelle ma Belle

Are you married? Have children together? How long have you been together?


If you're not married or have children, why are you still with him if life is so miserable?


Not sure how else to fix the problems in your relationship unless you seek couple's therapy to help mediate things. If you love each other and want to make it work, something has to change and often you can't do it all on your own.

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If he isn't willing to work on your marriage, then make him sign the divorce papers. It's a team effort to make it work....and that includes listening to the other...respect.

Edited by smackie9
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It's hard to comment when you only give us the bad side of things. What are the positives which make you stay?

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Look, if you don't have kids, do yourself a favor and just walk away. Really, even if you do since it sets a bad example them thinking that's okay.


Why be with someone who makes you miserable, disappointed and angry on a daily basis?

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  • 3 weeks later...

You cant' fix him but you can fix yourself.


The problem is you haven't laid out any clear boundaries for yourself, like "Don't date broke lazy dudes"


Imagine if you were single and you abided by these boundaries, and he came along. You wouldn't give him a second look.


Whats that saying, "failing to plan is planning to fail".


Move on. Sunken investment into something isn't a reason to invest even more time into it. Sunken costs are sunk. The more you put up with it, the more time goes by, the more you regret you feel later on.

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chrisen post 6#



Move on. Sunken investment into something isn't a reason to invest even more time into it. Sunken costs are sunk. The more you put up with it, the more time goes by, the more you regret you feel later on.





this ^^^ x100



sunk costs are backward-looking decisions....

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