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I have been talking to this girl for around 9 months. We both have something in common. We were cheated on! Her husband is still cheating on her but they are separated. I have been destroyed by infidelity myself about a year earlier. I seen the pain in her face daily and brought back bad memories. For around 6 months I have been helping her cope with her pain. Most of our conversations happen in email form. She is a very sweet gal. After a while she stopped emailing me. I was ok with that I kind of figured she was trying to work it out with the husband again. So contact was broken and it was just hi and bye in the halls. Anyway about a month a go I got an email from her how she missed my conversations and the friendship. She was really down on her looks and weight. The funny thing about it is that she is normal in size and very pretty but infidelity makes you feel ugly. She also mention in this email that that my hair was sexy. Basically I would email and pep her about her looks and talk her through some rough times. A few days later she emails me again and writes that she considers me her best friend. More emails come from her with flirtatious comments. So I email my phone number and tell to call me if she needs to talk to someone. She never calls? The emails still come in from her. She then starts calling me on my work phone and we would talk about non work related stuff for maybe a half an hour at a time. So I start flirting, commenting on her cloths and looks. There was another guy who works in the same building that hit on her and she avoided him like the plague. With me she keeps coming back for more. She will not call me at home which is weird. After she made the comment that I was her best friend I started getting different feelings for her. I stopped and looked at how long we have been talking and the good times we have had. I think that I am really digging her now.

A few days ago I got an email from this really hot girl also in the building while she was standing by my PC. The email was non work related. She showed signs of jealousy and kept bring up the other girl for days; I finally said that the other girl is no where comparable to her. A day later I get an email from her stating a construction worker asked her out and wanted to know if I knew him. I said yes and in a joke fashion I said “If he touches you I will kill him” I was just messing around but showed some jealousy for her benefit. Later on that night I got an email from her stating how she hopes that the vendor that she has to work with tomorrow is hot. Today I ignored her all day she has not contacted me as well I believe we are playing games with each other. I am digging her but I can not figure her out she is hot one minute and blows me off the next. Is this games woman play? Should I not contact her and play the waiting game? Why doesn’t she call me at home? She always complains about how bored she is sitting at home. Or should I just write her off! If some of the woman responds to this email I would appreciate it. I think this is a womans question. I want to know what she is doing, playing with me to make herself feel good or actually interested in me. What should I do next with her.

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