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Please read on and give me some adviced


I met this girl lets call her (V) while i was still dating my ex, she's a very sexy and hot looking woman, we hit it off right away but i couldnt even flirt right because i was still dating my ex, my ex and i decided to call it quits.


a few days later and while we were hanging out at this bar i ran into V again, she sat next to me and we exchanged numbers, while still at the bar she had started texting me messages, asking me whats up, to dance and to get my groove on.


fine i couldnt do any of those things because my ex was at the same bar and i didnt want to disrespect her (i dont know, i didnt want to flirt infront of her for some reason) well, the day after, i spoke to V again and she came to visit me at my job (we went for a bite to eat and the whole time we were flighting) you could see the sparks from miles away.


that night i saw her again and we were flirting again. for the next day or two we text eachother a lot and finally she asked me to go see her at a play, she said she couldnt hang out much because she had things to do after, i didnt care i liked her and i just wanted to see her.


after the play she came out, i drove her to where she needed to be and when we got there she said lets have a bite to eat, fine we ate at a nice restaurant and one thing let to the other she cancelled her whole day to stay with me, we went to a movie and just walked for a while, after she asked me to take her home, i did, i went out with some friends and she kept texting me telling me how she just couldnt stop thinking about me, how she was going to give me a kiss next time and stuff like that.


after 2 hours of texting she finally asked me to go to where she was at to get my kiss. i went and we stayed together for about 4 hours (i didnt get home till 5am) nothing happened outside of a lot of kissing, she the text me and say how she loved kissing me and how much she liked me.


man then it came the next day, we went out and things were different, she said, do you think we are going too fast? and she didnt kiss me half as much as she did the night before. she was a little distant, she didnt text me at all after i went home and the next day i barely heard from her (that was yesterday) so i sent her a text last night and i said that i got the point.


she didnt reply all night and then when i woke up this morning she sent me a message, saying (hey! babe, i thought you knew my schedule is crazy!) and went on about what she did, then disapeared again.


i dont understand, did i do something wrong?


she hasnt text me all day and i am just confused...


what do you guys think?

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