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When is it over analyzing?


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I think we can all agree that communication is a very important piece to keeping a relationship healthy. Is there such and thing as over communicating?


A friend of mine is in a bit of a bind.


He is very open with his gf, and she in turn. They discuss their feelings about thing all the time. Whether it be because of their actions etc


But he's reached his limit because this happens almost everyday for extended periods.


His comment to me is, its like being in a constantly philosophy discussion. When will he actually have the relationship and stop just stop analysing it?


Not sure that's clear but I could tell he was upset.


He's ready to end it because his relationship is starting to feel like Otter's job. A whole bunch of bull**** with no real satisfaction.


I tend to think it goes deeper than that. I think he has some concerns that he's tried to address and then a long drawn out discussion ensues with no real end.


Aside from that, is he overeacting, or can being too open or communicative in a relationship mean that everything gets overanalyzed and just doesn't become fun anymore?

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It sounds like the relationship has come to revolve around talking about the relationship. That is miserable. I think the question is what is the "analysis" about...


Is she insecure, does she want a proposal, etc...

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