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we need a little advice here for my friend...


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Hey guys, i need your advise, but its not for me, its for my friend!! She asked me what to do and i don't know what to tell her! Can you guys tell me waht you would do if your were in the situation shes in and maybe what i should tell her...my friends name is katie


katie has been dating her bf for a year now. Everything is going really really well for them and they are really happy together. Everything is almost perfect for them except for one thing. This may sound silly... katies life time dream and career goal is to become a police officer. She is currently going to threw training to become a police officer. Katies boyfriend on the other hand smokes marijuana (its illegal). Her bf is really smart though and goes to university, just so you know....but he has 2 counts of possession of pot on his record right now. Katie is afraid that the fact that her bf has been charged with possession of pot, that that may stop her from becoming a cop if someone ever found out. She also finds it hypocritical for her to become a cop while her bf is breaking the law!! She just realized this dilema recently and she has started to try to talk to him about it but he kind of has just blown off her mentioning it. He has told her though that he will never stop smoking weed. Katie believes that her lifetime dream of becoming a cop is important and she doesn't want to let this get in the way of her dreams but she really loves her bf and sees a future with him. Her bf has told her though that he would never want to get in the way of her dreams or hold her back...


She doesn't want to break up with him and can't even imagine it, but at this point, it seems like it is the only option she has. especially because her bf said he didn't want to stop. Some of her friends in the police academy have told her that she should break up with him and to do it soon before if becomes too hard as they continue to grow attached to one another.


so what advice should i tell katie? Any suggestions?

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Well, once she becomes an officer obviously she will definately have a situation. My advice is that the two of them need to talk about it, especially if it is already bothering her. The counts on his record shouldnt count against her since everyone makes mistakes in their pasts, but the continued use and possession might.


As bad is it seems, it seems to me like her friends at the police academy might be right. If he refuses to stop smoking pot hes essentially placing his drug use over how much he values her, and lets face it that isn't exactly painting a flattering picture of the guy, despite how smart he truly is. The sooner the two of them talk about this the better off they both are.

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