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I have a crush on a girl at school


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There's this girl at school who I like and I don't know if she likes me back. In classes the we have got together she some times looks at me and sort of stares at me and then I catch her and same thing for me. I get on the same bus home as her and she sits sort of near be but not near me and she always happens to be around me when I look up she is there, and when you sort of least expect her she is there. We don't really talk much maybe because we're both shy and she acts really shy around me and has actually smiled at me once (could of been the person behind). She has also attempted to start a conversation but I just nervously replied with a quick and short answer.


I'm not really an athletic kid and I'm on the fat side so that is really a self esteem crusher and most of the boys in the years are thin and tall when I'm short but she is shorter the me (which is good). I've just turned 13 and so has she and I'm going through puberty but it's not very noticeable, I have small black moustache hairs and notice able side burns and my voice is deepening and breaking and I thing I may have entered a growth spurt. When ever she is around happen to get butterflies and I start shaking is this normal? Over the year that I have had a crush on her I think I may have left clues by accident but staring at her and being around her and I think she has pieced together that I like her but I don't know if she does to? When where around each other and we make eye contact I sort of look away and pretend that she isn't there which may tell her that I like her. Once we were in an empty hall way an I was behind her and she kept on looking back and I started to walk faster to over take but she started to walk faster and I was quite close to her but she didn't more or anything.


She also sometimes bumps into my is this also a sign?



Plz help me!!!

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It's all normal.


This is a good time in your life to grow your confidence which is, to be honest, the majority of what women and girls find attractive in a man. Not overbearing loud confidence, but the inner confidence that you're okay with yourself.


Start playing a sport once in awhile that you like, make a few healthier eating choices, and talk to her. Make that move to get into her space, and make her feel comfortable and let her know you like her. You'll figure out very quickly if she likes you back. Ask her to go on a walk or something.


And for God's sake do not put her on a pedestal and think she's better than you. Treat her as an equal. An equal that you think is attractive.


People your age all do what you do, the ones that are successful are the ones that see it is normal, and have the courage to push through it and go after what they want.


You are crazy young though, so don't think too deeply on it. This phase of your life is all about learning.

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