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On a first date talks about other guys....why ladies?


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Let me clarify.


I know when I am getting the straight up "I'm talking about another guy to let you know you're out" talk. That one is obvious.


But there are ones where the woman obviously likes me and those are the ones I am really curious about. Example.


First date, nice Russian lady. No, not a young tall blonde, looking for a green card, Russian lady. My age, attractive yes but already a citizen and living in my city for quite some time.


Anyway nice date, she tells me I am very handsome man, yada yada, and invites me back to her apartment nearby. I am perfect gentleman and anyway don't do first date thing anymore, but it wasn't that. She made me some tea, she showed me her condo, had some Russian deserts (it ain't cannoli that's for sure) and we talked. One of her subjects was a mysterious male friend who loaned her some $$ for her condo, left her flowers by her door, but really has no interest in her. Just plantonic. Invites me back for a Russian dinner in a few days.


No whether this guy does or doesn't exist I really don't care. But why tell me that? To make me jealous? Another **** test? Just seems odd. Not the first time I have run into something like this where the woman obviously likes me but I hear something like this or similar. I just am curious what the female mind is thinking.


It's sort of off putting because I attribute it to head games which I detest.



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Sometimes a woman will mention other guys like this because she sees you as a cut above them. It's like if you told her a story of a crazy girl you had to run away from. The implication is that she hasn't put you in the same box as them, that she trusts you enough to share this information.


So don't worry about it, and especially don't get worked up about it, or she will be telling the next guy she meets about this crazy guy she met who got super jealous on the first date...

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If it's a mention in passing. don't sweat it. She just talk about him because it / he was interesting & fit into that part of the conversation.


I learned to edit myself & replace an EX's name with "an old friend" if the story was relevant to what we were discussing.

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