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Is she just messing me around?


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Well im 19 and this girl im talking to is 17 and we have been talking around a month and i wouldn't say we have been on 'dates' but i have seen her 3 times. I think every time we have seen each other we both have always said it was great seeing each other, but she says she feels bad because first time i saw her she thought she looked a mess, second time she was in a bad mood and 3rd time she was a drunken mess. She text me saying next time i see you im going to be normal! We pretty much text most of the time and we always end up flirting which will be mentioned below.

The important part is the 3rd time i saw her. We were at a party and we both got extremely drunk and we ended up kissing but none of us remembered till our friends told us. She woke up in the morning and i could tell she felt really embarrassed because she knew she was a state and i was trying to be nice and offering her a cuddle and she was like no i don't want one. Later that day she text me saying i wish i stayed to cuddle you but i was so embarrassed and then wish you could come and cuddle me now. I ended up telling her that we kissed that night and she was refusing to accept it. When she did accept it she was saying things like i wish i could remember us kissing,i dont regret it,i would of let u kiss me if i was sober and that she basically wants me to kiss her next time i see her. We started having a bit of a heart to heart and i asked her if she had feelings for me and she said "yeah i do but i dont know you well enough to say" when i looked at that it doesn't make sense at all. Then i was like i want to be able to see you more so i can get to know you better and she replied "yeah thats fine with me, all i can ask of you is that you dont rush it with me because ive rushed into things and got close to people and it hasnt lasted"

Whats also on my mind is that she is a beautiful girl and i know that there are quite a few guys talking to her aswell but as far as im aware she doesn't spend time with them like she has with me but its in my mind is she just texting these guys exactly what she texts me?

Does she actually like me? because it seems like shes saying she does and she doesnt but then i dont understand how she can text me saying these things i mentioned if she didnt?

Also how do i know that things are moving forward with her without making it look like im rushing her/ asking her all time how she feels?


problem is im talking to one of her friends to get her opinions and she thinks she just likes the attention and shes saying stuff like that to get me to stay because she was like apparently she was another party and she was on phone to this other lad for ages and getting proper close to another guy but she acts awkward with me but not really with them?... but i wouldn't ever think she would do something like that?

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