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female friend interested or just a flirt?


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I have a problem trying to figure out if one of my new female friends is interested in me. I am a 23 year old student in graduate school.


In the fall this girl would always invite me along when she was going out with other people--to the bar, movies, dinner, etc... One night I went to a party and got very sick. I called her to say "hi" and she was worried...so she spent the night at my apt making sure I was OK. The next morning was great because we just talked for a few hours and watched TV. It was at that point I really started to like her, and I learned so much about her.


After the party, I continued to hang out with her but only in a group setting. I was afraid to ask her to do stuff with just me because I was still nervous and didn't know her that well. However, in the past 3 months I have talked to her more both in person and via IM. A month ago, I finally asked her to come to my apt to watch a movie one night and we had a great time. We talk now about all kinds of stuff...past relationships, religion, school, music,etc... She and I have much in common. If she is ever feeling bad I talk to her and she says "You make me :-)" and always says "sweet dreams" before signing off. One night at a party she was drinking a little and said to me "I worry about you a lot"


I can't tell if she likes me or not. SHe is kind of flirty, and I don;t know if she acts the same way to other male friends as she does to me. I guess the big problem is that she is very flirty with a mutal friend of ours. They don't go out on dates, but in a group setting she always devotes a lot of attention to him. Like while watching a movie he will rest his head against her and tickle her a lot and stuff. It makes me very jelous...I hate it when he is around. I feel when he is around I am more reserved and I try to ignore what they are doing. Anyway, I want to ask this girl out, but i am afraid she will freak out. She actually may already know i like her...hopefully she does know because i do flirt with her a bit. Usually when we are alone i will tickle her a little and stuff. She and I tease eachother saying how we are dorks and I always say how smart she is for getting good grades. I am just afraid she will turn me down and feel awkward around me...


So what do you advise I do. Many of my friends say i should continue to be friends and when the feeling is right I should make a move. I just wish i could tell if she is interested...and the fact that she is flirty with out mutual friend just adds to the drama and frustration.

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Well, from the way it sounds....she likes you. She probably has one of those outgoing, fun personalities (like me)! LOL Anyway, the flirting with others may just be how she is. Some people thrive on group acceptance and the positive feedback she recieves from flirting fuels it. There is nothing wrong with it now. But, if you two do move forward then you should let her know that it could be uncomfortable for you.


My point is, from what you have described, she does like you. If she didn't "in that way" she wouldn't be spending that much solo time wiith you and things would have already gotten akward between you both.


Next time when you IM each other throw her a bone. Give her a huge compliment and see how she reponds. Or, better yet, tell her you had a sexual dream about her (in a joking manner) and ask her what she thinks about it. If it is done in a friendly, joking, flirty way, your friendship will not be harmed if she doesn't bite. And you will save face by not putting too much on the line. But after giving her the details of your "dream" she says she's turned on...then you know your in! LOL

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