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I don't know what I want anymore


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Ive been in a relationship for five months now and everything has been going great. Ive been super happy and in love until recently, now it seems that every little thing my girlfriend does irritates me. from the "i love you" texts or "i miss you" right after we spent the evening together through out next the day or sending multiple texts if i dont answer right away and then apologizing before i respond asking me to not hate her. like all I do all day is sit with my phone and wait to talk to her.


I work 7 days a week and usually work 50-60 hours


She does not have a job at the moment and is living at home (and hour from me) for the summer far from her friends which makes her focus alll her attention on me. She has also started talking about how she wants to marry me and how her family loves me and how i better not make her wait forever for a ring. Ive told her and tried to reinforce the fact that we've only been going out for 5 months and there is no ring anywhere on the horizon anytime soon


I could handle it and just shrug it off but recently ive been having the urge to go back to my old club hopping, drinking every night, chasing women ways. Partially because there has been no sex for over a moth And Im just really trying to figure out if I still am in love and whether all this crazy is from her being alone and so far from me and friends without anything to do but sit at home

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I can tell you what your problem is .

You are not having sex for 1 month and you think that you can go to a club and have sex everytime you want .


And after having sex ? you are going to stay home alone again crying because you loved her and you blow up your chance with her .


People complain when the girlfriend doesnt show enough interest , others like you complain because she is showing that she love you .

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