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How can I let a high school guy know that it doesn't matter that I'm in college?


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I have another problem. I was given the number of a guy to call by a close friend of mine. She "hit the nail right on the head" with this one. He told his friends that he really likes me but the problem is I am in college and he is still in high school. How can I reassure him and let him know that it doesn't matter to me? I've always dated younger guys. I really enjoy his company and talking to him. What can I do?


We only live about 5 minutes apart and I only have school a few days a week. I definitely have time to see him, probably everyday of the week. Actually, I graduated early so I'm not even suppose to be in college yet. So I'm still kind of on that level of thinking too.


So what can I do?

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it does matter, trust me. unless you can see him like 3 times a week easily, then this difference really does matter... college and high school are two different worlds, but if you really want to make it work, it will work. however, both sides have to show that they are dedicated to each other enough. you have to fight through the hardships, the distance, the differences, and the fact that he might go to another college.


you gotta prove to him that you are willing to sacrifice these things just to be with him - to have him in your life, for how ever long that may be.


but... again, both sides have to be willing to do this - so just tell him that you wanna make this work, and if he isn't willing, then go on with your life

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