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not throwing your "warm stone" away


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The ancient little library in a little town was so old that no inhabitants of the town really knew when it was built, it seemed like it has been around forever. The librarian was gone long ago and the library has not functioned for the last dozen of years or so. The building itself looked like it was going to collapse soon, but the end came in a very different way. In one of the hot July days a fire started inside the library and in the matter of few short minutes the entire town could see the huge movie-like fire coming out of the broken windows, the books and manuscripts were in fire and soon were gone.


Nobody really investigated why the fire started, nobody really cared. Except for few people who wandered at the fire site looking for something that could have escaped the heat, the chances of finding something were slim, but that was their last sign of respect and they wanted to show it. When those few people were about to leave, one of the men saw small capsule burnt on the sides, he could see there was a manuscript in it, but he feared to destroy it by taking it out.


The saved manuscript has stayed in the man’s home for a short while and then made a long journey to the capital where it landed in the depository of a book store. The capsule was never opened as nobody had any particular interest in it. There it remained for a few years until the store was bought by a new owner who decided to begin his ownership with the inventory research. The order was to get rid of everything which didn’t pose any value and hence free such valuable space.


It wasn’t a lucky day for our manuscript and it ended in a garbage bin outside the book store in a dark back exit alley. This could have been an end to the misfortunes of the scripture, but it was not. A homeless man saw the thing and decided to use it to make some fire. He opened the capsule and almost set it on fire with his Zippo, but then decided to read what is in it first. The manuscript was in a language which the man could understand but hardly. It said that if he wanted to obtain the happiness he had to travel to a certain place at the beach and find a warm stone there and keep this stone.


The man believed what the manuscript said. His life lacked many things which could make him happier and so he decided to give it a chance and go to thay place. He arrived there a few weeks later and went straight to the beach. He was astonished to see how many stones there were laying peacefully on the beach. But he made the first step already and now it was no time to turn around. He picked up the stone and but it was cold, he threw it into the water, picked up the second stone, it was also cold and so he threw it into the sea as well, the same thing happened to the third stone and the fourth, and the fifth and all the other stones he picked up- they were all COLD!


The man didn’t want to give up, every morning he would come to the beach in the search for the warm stone! This has lasted a few weeks, then a month, then several months, he was so used to picking up the stones and throwing them into the water that it became almost an automatic thing for him.


One day he came to the beach as usually and started picking up the stones, at some point he picked up a stone and it was indeed warm, but because he has done it so many times in the past, he simply threw it into the water and it was gone forever.


Being able to tell a “warm stone” from the “cold” one is the ability which can not just save you a lot of time and effort in the search for your soul mate, but also this is foundation of your successful search. Don't dump people automatically, give them a try, but don't waste your time on the "cold" ones.



Learn more: http://www.mordinson.com/warm-stone-finding-marriage-agency.html

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