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Long and deep conversations = emotional connection?


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If you have dinner with someone and talk for hours about deep topics, does that increase the chance of emotional connection?


I went out with a schoolmate. Not sure it was a date... We talked for at least 5 hours and she mentioned how time went by so quickly.


Would a friendly encounter typically be shorter?

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I certainly wouldn't spend 5 hours with a woman in a non-business setting, regardless of how much we had in common, if I didn't have at least some romantic interest. I'm sure she felt the same.

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It could be a sign of an emotional connection absolutely, but I've had emotional connections with guys that I deem to only be good friends. Sexual attraction is what makes the difference between her seeing you as just a friend and dating material at this point.

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It sounds like a good sign. From a woman's point of view, I'd be interested to know who brought up the 'deep' topics and what kind they were. If she was happily sharing a lot about her deepest feelings about things, that is a sign that she's comfortable at least. If you like her, then she'll probably have picked up on your interest in her as a person. Guys who just want to be friends talk about things rather than personal matters. They only start asking the searching questions, if there is something more behind it. In her situation, if a guy wanted to ask 'deeper' questions and I didn't like him or wanted to avoid any kind of intimacy, I'd be either changing the subject or giving only brief, unrevealing answers. It sounds like she was happy to share on a emotional level with you.


I think it's fairly safe to say she likes you, but whether it's as a close friend or more I could not say.

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I used to have deep meaningful conversations with people because I saw it as a means to get to know what others are all about at their core. I've since learned not to do this. I find that people will take information about you and use it against you, even if it's something harmless like your favorite foods or TV shows. And sometimes people get the wrong idea by answers that you do give to those. It's come from a long history of having secrets pried out of me and being hurt by friends, or those who I thought were my friends.


I would stay away from deep conversations until much later. You can't trust people in general.

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