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in this situation?


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So this past year I moved to the other side of town where I have a friend who lives about 15 minutes from my apartment. She used to be about a 40 minute drive before I moved. We met a couple of years ago, and she was always very eager to hang out. We met on meetup, btw. I was going to school at the time and she doesn't have a car, so I wouldn't come up to visit very often.


However, this past year she has been very different. We don't talk as often, and she doesn't really answer her phone when I call. I tried confronting her about it but she didn't see the problem and said she is always the one who asks to hangout. It didn't really go anywhere so I decided to just diffuse the situation. I also found out a few months ago that she has been on antidepressants. She never really eats anymore, and she has lost a lot of weight as well. When we do hang out we have fun, but she has expressed that she is lonely and I am her only friend her age. I don't really have a lot of girl friends, especially on this side of town. Plus we do typically have fun when we hang out, so I haven't been quick to cut her off. Our friendship is just different now, whereas before we would message each other on Facebook during the day and sometimes chat on the phone, whereas she never seems to answer her phone now. I'm not sure what to do. I can only offer to be there, but if she doesn't want to talk about things or she's going through stuff there's only so much one can do. Any advice would be appreciated it!

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There are different ways to keep the line open. Send a card, offer to drop by with a pizza, surprise her with a movie out. Its those little gestures that will help. You sound like a concerning friend. Sometimes we have to be gentle when friends are not well... be a gentle reminder that your there should she need you.

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