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White Lies and Flakey Friends


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I've been lurking a while, but this is my first post here...


I try to be the best person I can be. Honest, well-rounded, well-adjusted (and a little too-self consious at times). However, I have a few friends that exagerate stories and tell white lies so often that it's driving me nuts. I work with one of them right now, so it's awkward when something is said that is extremely far fetched because it's probably obvious when I (and others) are skeptical. I'm not the best at confronting people (especially friends)about dishonesty, bad habits, etc, etc., but that's why I should say something, and soon before it's gets to be an interference, if it isn't already. How do I go about bringing up petty dishonesty without being a jerk?


And I'm afraid to ask, but schred away, I need results. It sounds pretty conceited now that I re-read this, but keep im mind I'm really a fairly humble person. To "each their own" is my motto. Lately I'm having a hard time accepting larger flaws in people. I keep ending up with 'flakey company' such as habitual liars and constant procrastonators, etc. I've always had a good balance of good friends and good family, but over the past year and a half I've associated with alot of flakey people. I don't want to think of these friends in particular based on their flaws, but they have alot of them to deal with...more negatives than positives in many cases. Do I learn to deal with the hang-ups, or is it okay to feel like they have alot of growing up to do. We're all 20-somethings but I feel like I have to make all these rules for them that are just common sense to you and me...Sometimes I can't help but think (no better way to put it) "I'm better than these screwballs", and "they're holding me back."It feels like sucha crappy self-centered thing to say, and I'm having a hard time swallowing it, but is it okay to feel like that sometimes? Do I need to get over some issues? Maybe I just have crappy company? Confused...Thanks in advance...

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nah, I think you have crappy company. Dramahounds I think...over dramatic ppl. Why have that in your life eh?

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