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Should I continue this?

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I've been friends with this person for 13 months now. 3 of those months were spent in silence, because he randomly decided he couldn't be my best friend. Well, eventually I reached out to him. We talked for 3 hours, actually HE talked and I listened. He basically went on and on about the stuff that bugged him about our friendship, down to the noises I make when I'm scared (I let out a weird squeal) and I really felt like "well, is there ANYTHING he likes about me?" and whenever I opened my mouth, he'd just be like "see? this is what I'm talking about! you always try to find a reason for things, let them be the way they are!" and I just felt like everything I did bugged him. He said he loved me dearly, and he hugged me when we first talked, and he said he regrets not speaking to me for so long, but I just feel like I'm not respecting myself if I crawl back to him. He was so mean, and he admitted to it, and he apologized, but what he says and the way he acts are two different things.


I told him give me a week to think about things, but I don't know. What was the purpose of telling me all my flaws? Does he want to be friends? Would I be weak if I just continue our friendship with him? :confused:

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The Tallest One

Girlboots, ditch this jerk and find friends who accept you for you and all your quirks and foibals. Don't let him disrespect you like this. He's not friend material at all.


Just like if you were dating him, would you want to be treated this way by a boyfriend? Don't waste another second on being his friend! Keep your self respect in tact and run as fast and as far from jerkboy as you can!

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