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How to get away from a clingy friend?

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I made a new friend a couple of months ago and he's nice. But he really gets on my nerves most of the time. He's always hyper, and when things don't go his way he's a big cry baby. Like literally, if his mom tells him he can't go to the movies he calls me and starts crying. I'm a good friend and I'm always there for him but every time something dramatic happens to him, I'm the first person he goes to and he cries and whines about the silliest little things.


Every time I'm online he IM's me, when I'm not online he texts me asking why I'm not on. If I tell him I'm talking to my boyfriend or another friend he just invites himself in. It's so annoying because he's so loud and immature. I've tried ignoring him but he just goes nuts if I dont respond. I don't wanna be rude to him, because we're good friends but he just really gets on my nerves. He's like the annoying little brother I never had. It's not that I dislike him dont get me wrong. We're buddies, but sometimes I really need time to myself. I like to be alone. Or be with someone who is quiet and mature and doesn't type in all caps. lol. Anyways, please help.

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