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Dealing with my friend's breakup


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One of my best friends is going through a big breakup -- a relationship of 10 years. For as long as I've known her (about six years), she was with the same guy: a really awesome, nice guy.


She broke up with him for all of the usual reasons: wasn't attracted to him, didn't want to settle, they hadn't had a sex life in, literally, years. This was not a sudden decision, but one she had been mulling over for quite some times.


The problem is, since she broke up with him, she has turned into a different person: goes out all the time, drinks a lot, hooking up with guys. A totally different friend from the one I was used to! She has all these new friends, is hungover most every day, etc. I also haven't seen her in a couple months (though we do still talk via text and phone)!


I'm just trying to give her space to do what she's gotta do, but I am going on a trip with her this week for her birthday, and I'm a little nervous about what our dynamic is going to be like. Before, we were on the same page: laidback, didn't like to party, etc. Now she's turned into someone I wouldn't normally be friends with.


Who else has gone through this "change" with a really close friend, and how did you deal with it?



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