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Why is my friend acting like this?

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Okay, my friend and I are both going to be 21 this year. We became friends in junior high and were friends through high school. We went to separate colleges, but then came back home and continued to hang out. She 'was' a cool person, like we are both nice girls, we don't go out and party, we don't cuss or swear, we don't have different boyfriends every other week, and we don't do drugs.


My friend has a so-so life at her home- her mom can be kind of mean to her sometimes and make comments about her weight. So lately my friend has become a different person. She lost twenty pounds, and now thinks she's Gods Gift to man, seriously every guy that walks by she thinks that they want her, and she told me that she hates partying and doing that other stuff but then the minute she is invited to an "adult" party, she goes and is like "there is nothing wrong with it". She's acting like a hypocrite and is doing the complete opposite of what she said her beliefs are.


In short I don't know what to do, I don't want to lose a friend, but if she's going down the wrong road, I don't want to follow.

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Don't follow her if you dont want to.

She's experiencing something on her own and while it might hurt you to feel like you are loosing her you just have to let her do this.

Express concern if you want but don't cut her off. If she decides to stop acting like that welcome her back with open arms.

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Your friend is probably getting attention that she never got before her weight loss, and that can be intoxicating. While I would suggest you distance yourself from behavior that makes you uncomfortable, when she finally comes back down to Earth (which she surely will) she will need your love and support. Sometimes people get swept up in the changes of their life, and I suspect that is what is happening to her.


All you can really do is express concern for her, and go on doing what works best for you. I wish I could give you a cut and dry answer, but life doesn't work like that - believe me, I wish it did!


Much luck to you and to your friend.

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