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Hi All,

I have another thread on my struggle with depression, though most of those problems stem from being un/underemployed. I thought I would start a new thread here and possibly get some new insights.


A little background info(pasted from my other thread):

After I graduated I was hired full-time at a creative agency then worked full-time freelance for a year at another company. During that time, the economy crashed, 6 mo later I stopped working for that co, two years later I'm now unemployed. A lot of my portfolio was from my first job and very outdated. So I turned my attention towards rebuilding my portfolio and website. One thing I'm glad I did was find a great, creative non-profit to work for so I don't have a gap in my resume(and I have learned a lot there).


Basically, I'm rebuilding my portfolio and currently I'm looking for a part-time design or nondesign job, just something to make money. In general I'm also looking for anything that can help me - classes, portfolio reviews, advice. anything that i can take/do that will help. If you have any tips, advice, helpful criticism let me know.

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Some of the things I've done so far:


Activate my linkedin account-added everyone I know

Joined another website like linkedin but for creatives, where you can post your portfolio, post/browse job postings, browse other portfolios, etc

Rewrote/redesigned my resume and CV. I did a ton of research and think it's great but I would like to get it looked over by a professional. however don't know who/can't afford a career coach.


From my last thread:

Sent 8 job apps so far, one was asking for design assistance over the weekend for a job with a deadline next week. Called them yesterday as well but they were not interested.


I feel more confident about my portfolio now but it's becoming pretty apparent that while it's a good start to a new portfolio what I have is not enough. However.. I don't really have the funds to print a new project. The most recent one is an invite, so it's a total of 3 pages to print, no biggie. The other project I started this last week wont need printing at all.



My moods have been all over the place. From feeling ok and hopeful to depressed and angry. It is really an uphill battle. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude but it's difficult not to become embittered.


A website that hosts creative portfolio's, job listings, etc is having a portfolio review in May, which I've rsvped to.


I've also thought about reaching out to a professor I had my last year of college. she's the president of a huge company, freelances, writes and travels around the world doing cool things. Back when I was in college she offered me a job with a friend of hers, which I was not able to take because she needed someone nearly full-time, and I was still a student :/ Looking back I wish i had just taken it. Anyway... that was years ago, about 5 years ago, thought about emailing her and asking if she could spare 30 mins so I can pick her brain about how to bring my career to the next level. Is that presumptuous?


I really need guidance, but feel bad/weird about it because I feel 'too old' to be asking(i'm 27).

Edited by camillalev
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  • 2 weeks later...

I just skimmed your post, but want to say A) you ARE NOT old, LOL! And B) by all means contact your former professor! Best of luck to you, it's a rough economy, but it sounds as if you are taking all the right steps.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm sorry hear about your struggles. Have you heard of "the Power"? By Rhonda Byrne. Its an audio/book that teaches you how to alter your current way of thinking by positive affirmations. Many people have found jobs, gotten promotions, and started their own businesses within weeks and months of listening and following the steps.

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