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New Years Res. = new career

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My new years resolution is to move further in my career (been in the same entry-level job since graduating college - 3.5 years). It seems as though it is going to happen, but I don't want to get my hopes up too high. I'll tell you guys my situation.


I work in a fortune 500 company, and am looking to get a new position/promotion from within, at a different location. I applied for an excellent opportunity within the company in Nov, had a 1st interview early Dec, and a 2nd interview on Dec 22nd. They told me I was the leading candidate, and that there was only one other person they were considering (they told me the other person would be coming in for a 2nd interview on the 23rd). The interviewer's kept slipping up during the interview, saying "when you start the job...I mean if hired for the position", and were even doing a little "per-training" for the position.


Late in the afternoon on the 23rd, I receivied an e-mail asking for three references whom they can contact. I am hoping since it was after the other person was interviewed, that is a good sign. Is asking for references sometimes the last step to getting hired for a position at certain companies???


They told me a decision would be made early to middle on January. Nevertheless, this job is totally awesome, with a much better work environment (going from a manufacturing environment to an office environment). But, as each day passes, I get more and more nervous that I will not get the job, and will be stuck in an entry-level job, where working nights, weekends, and holidays are the norm. My husband is very confident that I will get the job...what do you guys think????

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Having also worked for a Fortune 500 company for a couple decades I'd say it sounds very promising but you should still be prepared for 'surprises'. Sometimes other candidates will get the job despite your great qualifications because they are better connected (worked for someone in the interview process, are related to someone influential, etc). Sometimes the person doing the interviewing is not the only one making the decision (surprise). So please don't give up trying if you don't get it as it sounds as if you've made a very good impression on the interviewer. Tell them to keep you in mind for future positions, ask if they expect additional positions opening in the near future, check in with them periodically so you stay on the top of their mind, ask if there other peer managers hiring - you get the picture.


I'm hoping you get the wonderful news that you have a new position in 2004 - best of luck!!

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