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Coworker died this morning

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She was an administratve assistant at the company where I work. She was the AA on the last engineering project on which I worked and we worked together on a different project back in '03. I knew she had cancer and has been on leave for the past almost four months. She was only 55! She went into Hospice care a month ago and she passed away this morning.


I had not seen her in months, but it was still a bit of a shock.


Yesterday when I got to work another team member on my current project asked me to read something. She was crying and I read a Care page that a hospital publishes online - where family members can post information and photos and such. Anyway, her Uncle (also had cancer) declined the night before and they didnn't think he would live the night, but he did. Yesterday morning though the posting said it would be a matter of hours.


My coworker was in no shape to drive, so hubby and I left work and took her to the hospice to say her goodbye and waited a little while with her. They were removing the oxygen from him and she didn't want to stay for that. He passed about 20 minutes after we left. I asked our boss to drive her home (I can't drive since I hurt my back so hubby came back and drove us earlier) anyway, I called our boss and asked her if she could find someone to drive "D" home and someone else to follow and bring back the first person. My boss and her assistant drove her home. I called her and asked her to call her doctor to get her a sedative and he got her a 'script for Atavan.


'D' is all alone - her husband died many years ago, she lost her mother a month before I lost mine, and she has no one to go home to. She doesn't get along with her sister, but when I called her she said she had another friend over for a while, and was going to be around some family members for a day or so. She's had it rough.


I am SOOOOO Lucky & Blessed!!

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There are a few phases to successfully coping with personal loss. It can take longer for some than others.

After my father died, I got stuck at disbelief and didn't make it to grief for several years. I needed to talk to a counselor and didn't know it.

After I finally cried about it, and passed through the grieving phase, things were better.


I truly hope the phases pass quickly for your coworker.

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