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How to change i feel miserable it effects my mental health.

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I feel miserable as my friends people i knew from school even my sisters friends (who is younger than me) are settling down.

I lost my job (the owner retired it was a small business) and had to move back with my parents (temporarily) i am working again but for the minumum wage.

I have tried to get a better job by doing part time courses and am saving money.

I want to move back out again (it depresses me living at my parents) I adore my family.

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So make a plan & a budget Have a goal to work toward. . .move out in 3 months. Keep applying to get a new, better paying job. Find places to be that aren't home like a library so you can apply for jobs.

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Put all your focus and energy into bettering your situation and finding a job that will support you fully. Maybe think about finding a roommate to share expenses with.


Stop comparing yourself to others, we all have our own paths and timing.


Remember this is just where you are at the moment - it's temporary, not forever.

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I was also in your position earlier this year after a terrible breakup. I felt like I could not do anything for months. But about a month ago, I started reading and watching more personal development channels on website and on Youtube. I also got myself a motivational coach who has been helping me get through it all.


Moreover, I created a website using the hPage website builder to document my journey with depression and anxiety. With the website, I am able to attract a positive and motivational audience throughout the world who are also looking for ways to self-improve and get out of their slump.


I am sure you will get through this! So again here are the steps:

1. Read websites that will uplift you. Watch motivational , positive, and encouraging Youtube channels.

2. Get yourself a mentor/coach/therapist or whatever you call it to help you out and consistently remind you that you are not alone.

3. Create a free website to document your journey. You will attract people with the same mindset as you.

4. Get those goals started! Document them in a blog. Read them a year from now and you will be surprised that you have come a long way. Celebrate your little wins.

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