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Find a Passion - the secret to Personal Well being

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Hi everyone,


I'm relatively new here compared to most. I do not

chime in all that often but I do try and learn from threads,

other's experiences etc.I would try and say that I really

know social anxiety, depression etc but i'm sure in some

cases it's extraordinarily challenging for people.

Anyways, until I discovered (and in my opinion - chose)

my passion, I was never fully on a train track

headed in 1 single direction. My biggest tip -

Choose & commit to that path - make it your identity.

Do not mistake this for not experiencing things outside of your primary passion


Learn, challenge yourself, educate/help others.

Sometimes I get down on myself about my

relationships, with women in particular.

Everybody does, but I am my best friend,

I support me, boost my confidence,

but also to care for others and be genuine,

grateful and giving to friends and family.


Some people are Kayaker's, some are Traveler's, business people, volunteers, actors, fitness instructors ;) - It's ok if you don't have one right now because I didn't - but I chose, and I will embrace my identity as it evolves and never look back.

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I loved that you mentioned "help others." That right there is what I believe to be the key to happiness. Yes, choose what you love and pursue it. But help other people along the way.

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