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How do you square planning, setting goals, and sticking to a schedule with the concept of "living in the moment"???


If I "take it one day at a time", I have zero stress but nothing gets done.


If I plan things out and force myself into a set schedule, I may get stuff done but stress levels rise.


I'm single and have no kids, yet feel like I have no time for myself. Can't imagine how those with families have time for anything.

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How do you square planning, setting goals, and sticking to a schedule with the concept of "living in the moment"???


I respect my historical style as a spurt worker instead of fighting it, and any scheduling respects it.


If I "take it one day at a time", I have zero stress but nothing gets done.


There's a lot of time in each day to get anything done. Heck, there's a lot of time in an hour, sixty minutes or 3600 discrete seconds.


If I plan things out and force myself into a set schedule, I may get stuff done but stress levels rise.


You choose the plan and you choose how to process any emotions, including 'stress levels rise'. Everything in life is a choice. I mention this because, recently, someone T-boned me, injuring a good friend (I was lucky) and totaling my truck. Fortunately, we all (including the elderly lady who did it) walked away. However, dealing with the fallout caused a schedule change to be dealt with. I had choices about schedule and processing feelings. It could have gone a number of different ways. I broke it down into bites my spurt worker style could manage and feel good about and, about two weeks later, we're pretty much done.


I'm single and have no kids, yet feel like I have no time for myself. Can't imagine how those with families have time for anything.


We live like they live, with the stuff we plan for and then life throws at us. I choose to not see life as a race. No one wins. We all end up dead. If you choose to view life in a certain way, you choose. IMO, the key is feeling positive about the choice.

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